On November 5th 2015, Wetherington Hamilton, P.A. held our first annual “Cocktails for a Cause” fundraiser. All proceeds from the event went to benefit The Children’s Home Inc., an organization who is near and dear to our hearts. You see, our managing attorney, Kalei McElroy Blair’s father was the Director of The Children’s Home for many years and even has building named for him on their Tampa campus.
Over the course of the year, the attorneys and staff at Wetherington Hamilton have donated time to several projects at CHI. The first of those was a volunteer day where our attorneys and staff spent the day at the CHI campus helping them get their gym and cafeteria cleaned up for an upcoming awards banquet they were hosting. We scrubbed, dusted, vacuumed and moped the gym and main cafeteria to help the staff and children get ready for their big day. In the process we also got to learn more about all of the amazing things their organization does for the children who reside there.
Wetherington Hamilton also held a back to school needs drive for The Children’s Home were firm members donated binders, notebooks, paper and much more.
Our final event, and one we will continue to do every year for The Children’s Home, was our Cocktails for a Cause fundraiser. We invited guests to come enjoy a night of fundraising, hors d’oeuvres and Cocktails for a Cause in which they got to bid on several exciting auction items including autographed memorabilia from the Tampa Bay Buccaneer’s and NASCAR’s Kevin Harvic as well as a Busch Gardens gift basket, Vigo and Alessi gift boxes and much much more. The firm raised over $3,400 for The Children’s Home throughout the night! We would like to thank everyone who came out to support this wonderful organization, especially those who donated items for the silent auction. We could not have done this without you. We look forward to continuing to support this great organization and the children they help for years to come.