On March 11, 2017, the Hillsborough County Bar Association will be hosting its Annual 5K Pro Bono River Run in conjunction with the HCBA Judicial Pig Roast. This family friendly event is held each year at the Chester Ferguson Law Center and Stetson Tampa Law Campus. I’ve had the pleasure of working on the planning committee for the 5K River Run over the past several years. I believe it’s a great way for legal professionals, judges and their families to gather for a beneficial run and an enjoyable food festival.
The goal of the run is to raise pledges for pro bono hours and is open to all individuals who work within the legal community and their families. Runners can pledge pro bono hours and individuals can pledge hours on behalf of runners as well. Over 300 runners participated in the run last year and the registration is capped at 350 runners this year. There have been hundreds of hours pledged each year and thousands of hours pledged throughout the years for this event. Runners are awarded trophies and medals for fastest team and fastest individual times by age group. In addition, the team and individual that raises the most pro bono hours are recognized and given an award for their pledge and generosity.
This is a great community event that promotes the importance of giving back to the community. Many law firms, practitioners and local businesses sponsor the event and organize running teams. Not only does the event raise much needed pro bono hours by attorneys, but it also provides a fun atmosphere for attorneys, judges and their families to connect.
Last year, participants wore bracelets stating “Pro bono does a heart good”. It’s certainly true that volunteer services are at the heart of this event as it has helped raise thousands of hours of pro bono legal representation for those who cannot afford legal services. Taking time to connect with the community and pledging to donate one’s time to help others is certainly a worthy cause.
The race takes place along the Hillsborough River from 4:30pm to 6pm. The Judicial Pig Roast/Food Festival is from 5pm to 7pm on the Stetson Tampa Law Campus grounds. The food festival is free to all HCBA members and their families and features a variety of food and drink booths. For more information on the HCBA 5K Pro Bono River Run and Judicial Pig Roast, please visit the HCBA website found here.
Ashley Simon, Esq.