In Florida, a surviving spouse benefits from several rights upon the death of his or her spouse. Rights of a surviving spouse are found in…
I encourage all parents of minor children to prepare proper estate planning documents. Often parents of minor children are busy, tired, and they do not…
As we begin a new year most of us set personal goals. We hope to eat healthy, exercise, and spend more time with our loved ones. Many of us strive to save money and spend less. It is a great opportunity to reflect on our habits and to set objectives for the future. As part of that planning and reflection, consider a review of your legal health.
t Wetherington Hamilton, we place a unique focus on special needs planning within our estate planning group. Special Needs Estate Planning focuses on providing for the special needs of loved ones with disabilities when the parents are no longer here to advocate on their behalf.
“Do I need a Trust?” This is a question frequently asked of by many Estate Planning prospective clients; however it is a difficult one to…
What will happen to all of your online accounts, cloud data and saved passwords after you die? Who has control over these digital assets? Unfortunately, the law has not kept pace with the speed of the digital age and the answers to these questions lie in a grey area. Many term of service agreements that users agree to by simply registering with a website prohibit third parties from accessing information. Also, criminal laws prohibit someone else from using your password.
Within my last eight years of experience in Planning Estates and handling Probates, I have found a pattern of common estate planning myths. No matter…
Many people try to avoid thinking about what will happen to their bank accounts and belongings after they pass away. As a result they have…
On a sunny, summer day in 2010, I received a panicked call from a client. His 23-year old daughter had been riding in the back…